Ricky Craig of McDonough has made it his mission, over the years, to help children and adults with special needs in Henry County.
Now, he’s calling on the local faith-based community to do the same.

Craig recently launched the One Dollar Church Challenge, benefiting People First of Henry County. The nonprofit organization puts together free social events throughout the year for special-needs individuals and their families.
“It’s just something I came up with to raise more money,” said Craig. “We’re asking people at different churches to donate a dollar to People First.”
This isn’t the first time Craig has worked to raise money for People First. He helped to launch the group’s annual Walk-a-Thon 12 years ago as a way to support the nonprofit’s mission. This year’s Walk-a-Thon is set for July 27 in McDonough.
Craig said the One Dollar Church Challenge is another element in his goal of supporting People First’s mission. He said he was “just trying to do something” to help the organization.
“I just do a small part to raise money for People First,” said Craig. “It’s been truly a blessing to help these kids. I get as much out of it as they do.”
Craig recently began reaching out to churches in the area in an effort to spread the word about the One Dollar Church Challenge. Thus far, he said, he has had a good response from the endeavor because churches are typically willing to help People First.
“If everybody at the church can donate one dollar, that would help,” he said. “I understand if they can’t, but anything we get is more than what we have.”
Kristy Dobbs is one of three directors for People First, along with Melissa Howard and Pamela Young-Wynn. Dobbs said they are “overwhelmed” by Craig’s continued support of the organization over the years.
“We are very appreciative and, honestly, I’m not sure we would be able to continue doing what we do if it wasn’t for Ricky,” said Dobbs. “We appreciate every church who has jumped on board with the Church Challenge for People First. Ricky has a great way of thinking outside the box to come up with ways to help our organization. We give all the glory to God and we are super thankful that Ricky is continuing to help us every year.” For more information, call Ricky Craig at 770-957-6060, or visit http://peoplefirstofhenrycounty.org.