Updates from McDonough City Council

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  The McDonough City Council approved a $28,200,893 budget for the 2019-2020 fiscal year at its May 20 regular meeting.

  There was a very brief public hearing before the vote with one resident speaking in favor of the new budget and no one speaking in opposition. All six members of the council who were present at the meeting voted in favor.

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  The new budget is higher than the current fiscal year’s total of $27,658,815 but lower than the $28,881,751 budget of two years ago.

  The new fiscal year begins July 1.

  In other business, the council approved a contract with C&C Lovejoy LLC for the construction of a roundabout on Postmaster Drive. Funding for the project comes from the city’s SPLOST account. Other SPLOST money will fund a $51,900 contract with National Building Contractors, Inc. to waterproof the interior and exterior of the Polk Building.

  The council approved the purchase of a 2019 Dodge Charger Pursuit with all necessary equipment at a total cost of $31,351.47 to be paid from an insurance check for a previously totaled vehicle as well as money from the city’s general fund.

  A special use permit was approved for property at 19 Keys Ferry Street for a bed and breakfast. The property is on the south side of Keys Ferry Street adjacent to the west side of Macon Street, facing north toward the Square, and has a central commercial zoning. Except for the applicant, Lawrence Miles of Miles Resort/B&B, no one spoke for or against the request during the public hearing.   A rezoning request was approved for a 7.269-acre site on Hwy. 155 S. in the Renfroe Business Park, rezoning 6.8 acres of the property from highway commercial to light industrial as a matter of reversion.


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About Monroe Roark

Monroe Roark has been covering the news in Henry County for more than a quarter-century, starting in 1992. He has owned homes here and raised a family here. He still enjoys staying on top of the important matters that affect his friends in the community.