I can recall when I broke my left arm at age 35 and it took about six months to get totally healed! Uh oh. I thought I’d be over this a lot quicker. I appreciate my kind medical guy who gives me exercises to do (and his warm smile too). I noticed he was writing on my chart with his left hand on my last visit and told him that according to a statistical study that I used to do each day, I learned a left handed person will always get hired before a right hander. Neat that my supervisor would have me do a little search every morning before starting my online job. I learned a lot of odd facts that way. It didn’t teach me how to make a broken bone heal any quicker, but I’m now doing a little research on that from time to time. So, per an internet search, I started taking a large dose of Vitamin D every day along with my senior combo of vitamins that also includes lots of calcium.
I no longer have a cast, however my bone advisor told me to wear the brace they provided after the removal of the cast, but to take it off when I’m watching television or reading a book. In other words, when I’m not at risk of any more injury. I know I’ve told about getting hurt a few times and not realizing the injury until someone told me I was bleeding! Well, this time I am visited often by Mr. Pain. It’s not bad, maybe a four or a five on the scale, and I can apply some Aspercreme to the achy spot but only every six hours. Hard to do all the rolling and teasing on my fine hair though. Lucky for me, my kind stylist came here and gave us both a haircut! Now I just wash, add gel, blow dry and it looks okay without all my usual rituals. Nice that I didn’t have to drive or get Norman out as my sweet friend joked with me that she had scissors and would travel. Whew.
I can finally do the crossword puzzles and now actually read my writing. Earlier I had done them with my left hand, a little, but gave up after I couldn’t figure out what I’d jotted down. Our cat, Shadow, is happy with me petting her with my left hand. I do have one problem though, and am praying that will soon end. Because, I can’t crank the Camry. It is very hard to do it with my left hand, and impossible with my right, but thank goodness Norman can handle that for me. I am SO blessed with a kind church member’s daughter who drives me to the bone doctor. I don’t think I could get Norman in and out of there and it’s too hot to leave him in the car so helpful neighbor comes and stays with him while I’m off to my next appointment. My chiropractor gave me an extra adjustment to help my balance and I’m praying that works so I don’t fall again. (Don’t think it was my balance though, just slipped as I tried to kick a big chunk of gravel out of the driveway.) But I do learn lots from him and one thing is that when I’m walking, I now pretend a string is attached to my head that makes me stand up straighter. Saw some great pictures a fellow Methodist had posted on Facebook of the Boy Scouts and also caught a glimpse of the choir, including me, and I was slumping! Glad my chiropractor filled me in on the string thing. More things to heal? Yep. And, I’m praying for the arm to heal too.