In an effort to preserve some of the history of our community, The Times is displaying photos of Henry County from the past. If you can tell us about the photo shown above, us using this form and tell us. In the next edition, we’ll reveal the details of the picture and notes readers send us.

Todd Duffey wrote, “I grew up in Stockbridge and this photo appears to be the Hans Broder farm on Flippen Road. Ironically, I just rode by there about 20 minutes ago.” Donald Mason also wrote in to correctly identify the photo. Kathryn Schwenger wrote, “Unless I am mistaken, this is an aerial view of the Broder’s “Horseshoe Farm” on Flippen Road. It was originally a dairy farm started by the Broder family in the early 1940s. After the senior Broders retired it was operated by their sons and was used (until very recently) for raising beef cattle. The Broder farm was sold to a developer last year and there are plans to put 380 high density residences and townhouses on at least 50% of the property. (The other 50% is too wet to be used for much other than flood plain and green space.) Flippen Road would be down the lane out of the left side of the photo and the Kentucky Fried Chicken billboard would be facing I-75 heading south just before it passes over Flippen Road. Monarch Village backs onto the Broder property.” Larry Allgood commented on henrycountytimes.com, “this is a view of the Broder farm in Stockbridge. This will probably become a subdivision like all of the other old farms in Henry County. It is good to remember the Good Ole Days.” Donna Craig Israel also commented online and correctly identified the photo. Rodney Brooks identified the photo and added, “I grew up and went to school with Ashley Broder at Stockbridge.”